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Think & Grow Rich Book

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كتاب فكر وازداد ثراء


Written by Napoleon Hill... Do not approach drowning people because they will try in every way to drown you in order to prove to you that life is unfair. Do not approach negative people because negativity is contagious. Do not approach losers because they will try to make you fail. Do not care about insects. Ignore insects. Do not waste your time with insects unless there is a very annoying insect. Then just find a way and get rid of it. Get close to positive people, successful people and optimists, because they will add to your life, not take away from it. Whoever thinks that reading a book will make him rich is stupid. The book only presents some of the laws and customs that intelligent people follow to obtain wealth. The land has its own laws and everyone is used. He has reason and knows how to manage his affairs. He will get his share and compensation for the service he provides. Among these principles: -the desire. -Faith. -Setting small goals and focusing on them to achieve the bigger goal. -Specialization. Knowledge is not power but the way you use knowledge is the real power. -Imagination. The queen of imagination enables you to plan and create. -Planning. Create a plan that enables you to reach your goal. -Decision making. Many people suffer from procrastination and postpone making crucial decisions at the right time. -perseverance. Only those who continue after failure, do not give up after the first attempt, and continue walking are the ones who achieve success. -Mastermind. Pay attention to the people you surround yourself with, as temperaments are contagious. -Turn your desire into reality through planning and be prepared to change constantly, because what does not change cannot succeed. Listen to your sixth sense and your voice. -Save from your income, do not waste money, and do not surround yourself with fools. Set a goal for yourself and face your fears because fears become realities, distract focus, attract negative energy, and affect your intelligence and your ability to think.

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